
This Analytics Edge wizard lets you add a category or group column based on the value in one of the other data columns.

This would typically be used to categorize data, or to create groupings for a histogram chart.

New Column Name – enter a caption (name) for the new group/category column that will be created.

Add Group

Column – select a column to use for the evaluation. The Group Rules will be run on values from this column, with Group Labels written to a New Column.

Criteria – select the type of test to be used in the evaluation. The options change depending on the type of column selected (text, numeric, or date).

Value – enter a value to use in the evaluation. If it is for a text column, you can also make the test Case sensitive.

Group Label – enter a label to associate with rows that pass this evaluation. Note: the label from the first rule to pass will be used.

Other Group Label (optional) – If the value being tested does not pass any Group Rule, assign this label.