Append To Worksheet

Append to the existing data in a worksheet, aligning columns to match.

If the worksheet is empty, the function will create a new header row.

If there is already data on the worksheet, the matching rows options determine how the data will be written. Rows are matched by the values in all common date and text columns.

Append to worksheet: append to the data in the worksheet. Assumes the data starts at cell A1 and has column names in row 1. Also assumes the rest of the worksheet is empty.

Append to data at: is used to append to a specific block of data starting at the selected worksheet cell (top left corner of the block).

Matching Rows

Keep both – this option keeps all of the appended data, even if it duplicates rows exist on the worksheet. This is useful when there is no special meaning in the date or text columns, and you want to keep every row.

Do not change existing rows – this option will append new data where the values in the date and text columns do not already match an existing combination. This is useful if you only want to add new data and do not want to affect what is already in the worksheet.

Update to new values – for every matching combination of date and text column values, any numeric columns will be updated to new values. This is useful if the new data may contain updated values for combinations previously captured in the worksheet.