
This Analytics Edge wizard lets you split a text column into several columns. You can split on a delimiter, a fixed-width sequence, or into smart name columns.

It can be used to split name fields apart (the smart name option), or to split product codes or URLs.

Split Into Columns

Splits the selected column into multiple columns, named with suffix -1, -2, etc.

Remove original column – to remove the column that has been split, check this option.

Split into Rows

Splits multiple values in the selected column into multiple rows.

Ignore duplicates – if the column contains multiple but identical values, ignore the duplicates and create only one row for each unique value.

Select Column

Select a column by position (column letter) or By Name to be split.

Split On

Choose how the column will be split.

Delimiter – select a delimiter that separates the values in the column. Optionally enter your own sequence of characters (may be more than one).

Smart name – select this option to split a column into various name parts.