1.6 Missing From Ribbon or Ribbon/COM Error

If you get an error about the Ribbon/COM Addin handler, or if the Analytics Edge ribbon bar disappeared or does not appear when you open Excel, the add-in may be disabled, unselected or untrusted by Excel. Note that when Analytics Edge is running a scheduled refresh, the ribbon bar entry does not appear — this is normal.

0. Reboot Your Computer

Sometimes an Excel process gets stuck in the background, and it locks out the add-in. Restarting your computer clears these lockouts.

1. Excel Has DISABLED the Add-in

disabled-itemsOpen FileOptionsAddins dialog

Select the VERY LAST OPTION: Manage Disabled Items – Go…

If Analytics Edge is listed in the dialog, select it and click the Enable button.


2. Excel Has UNSELECTED the Add-in

disabled-itemsOpen the FileOptionsAddins dialog

Select Manage Excel Add-insGo…

Make sure the Analytics Edge Add-in is checked


3. Excel does not TRUST the Add-in

Open Excel FileOptions dialog, navigate to Trust CenterTrust Center Settings… button navigate to Add-ins, and UNcheck the entry to Require Application Add-ins to be signed by Trusted Publisher.