Joining GA and GSC Data

This example workbook shows 2 methods to combine data from Google Analytics and Google Search Console using Analytics Edge. See how your top pages changed ranking over the past 90 days, as well as which countries and devices generated the most engagement.

Download the workbook: JoiningGAandGSCdata1.0.xlsx


On the Setup sheet, enter the saved Google Analytics account (reference) name to be used, as well as the GA Property ID (the number portion). Then enter the saved Google Search connector account and website to use. This should be all you need — click Refresh All to update the reports with your data.

Top Pages

The Top Pages worksheet is populated with the top 10 pages by clicks in search, an it shows Google Search Console and Google Analytics metrics as well as the last 90 days of search positions. Because the search position can vary widely over a week, a 7-day rolling average is calculated. The Top Pages macro does all the work for you, including the calulation of the Avg Engagement time per page (in seconds).

Countries and Devices

The Countries and Devices worksheet contains an Excel table with the Google Search Console and Google Analytics metrics by county and device category. Because the data is updated in an Excel table, you can easily filter for the countries and device types of interest. The Country and Device macro does all the work of combining the data for you.

Coming soon: a companion article explaining the macros