Search Analytics – Google Search

The Search Analytics wizard of the Google Search connector allows you to get a report of the performance of your websites in Google Search.


Sign in with Google – add a new account to the connector.

Account – select a saved account to use for this query. With the selected account, you can:

  • Refresh – update the saved account credentials by logging in again.
  • Delete – remove the account from your computer.
  • or value – enter an account reference name or a cell reference to it. A cell reference button is included to assist.

Website – select the website or domain for the report

  • or value – enter a website or domain reference, or a cell reference to it. A cell reference button is included to assist.


Split into Multiple Queries by – updated in version 11.34.0/1.34.0, this functionality used to be in a separate section called MultiQuery.

None – Make a single query based on the fields selected. Required for Date Comparison.

Date-based – Make multiple queries in the date range selected on the Dates tab. For example:  ‘7-Day Periods’ will make separate queries for each 7-day period. The ‘Week (…)‘ queries will only return complete week periods. Combine this option with a date range of a multiple of 7 days (e.g. duration 12 weeks) to get a report by week.

Note: The ‘Month’ report will get monthly buckets based on your chosen date range. If you want calendar month reporting, make sure to select a start or end date at the beginning or end of a calendar month (e.g. end of Last Month).

Device/Type – Make separate queries for each device or search type available.

Search Appearance – This options runs a query to get all search appearance types for your website, then runs queries for each of them. Note that the results will vary by website and time period used.

Top Pages/Queries/Countries – This option runs a query to obtain the top number of pages/queries/countries for the sorted metrics selected, then runs queries for each of the top entries. While you can enter any number, entering large numbers is not recommended because:

    • the results must fit into your available memory and worksheet space
    • each query counts against your daily limit for all reporting tools you use
    • you increase the chances of a random (infrequent) server or network error

Layout Options – choose one of three layouts for your results. Updated in version 11.34.0/1.34.0, this functionality used to be in a separate section called MultiQuery.

  • No Pivot – will append each query vertically, adding dimension columns for the split-by dimension selected (e.g. start date and end date).
  • Pivot (group by split dimension) – will append each query horizontally, grouping all the metrics for each query together (by the split dimension). The column titles will include the [dimension] metric combination. e.g. [DESKTOP] clicks, [DESKTOP] impressions, [DESKTOP] ctr, …
  • Pivot (group by metric) – will append the queries horizontally, but group similar metrics together. This would make it easier to create trend or comparison charts. e.g. [DESKTOP] clicks, [MOBILE] clicks, [TABLET} clicks, …

Dimensions / Metrics – Click on ‘add dimension’ or ‘add metric’ to select dimensions or metrics for the report. Start typing to filter the list.

Drag-and-drop fields in the lists to change the order, or select fields and the X to remove them.


Select a preset range, or select a date range by specifying 2-of the Start, Duration, or End dates.

Start/End Dates can be specified by selecting a specific date, picking a generic ‘Start/End of’ a period, or enter a value  or cell reference to a value.

Include Fresh Data – data in Google Search Console doesn’t stabilize for a couple of days. By default, the connector will only pull stable data (upto the ‘Current’ date). Check this box to get the most recent data even if it may change a bit in the next couple of days.

Date Comparison

Compare each metric in the selected date range with the previous period, previous year, or a specific date range. Optionally add Difference and/or % Change columns.


Filter the report by a variety of criteria. Enter values for the filters, or use cell references to get the values from a worksheet cell.

Sort / Count

Add sorting rules by selecting a column and clicking Ascending or Descending.

Entered rules can be rearranged using drag-and-drop, or selected and deleted by clciking the X.

Count – enter the maximum number of rows to retrieve. Leave empty or enter 0 for all rows.


Note that these options change the default behaviour of the function, but old queries will continue to work as before.

Dates – changes whether date columns are written as Excel dates or text. If text, you can change the format using date format codes.

Date Ranges – when using the Fields option to split into multiple queries with date periods (like 7 Day Periods), this determines whether an End Date column is included.

Multi-Query Headers –  when using the Fields option to split into multiple queries, this determines whether the column headers are formatted with the dimension and metric separated by a space, or by a new line character with square brackets around the dimension.