Exporter Quick Functions

Once a query has been made, you can make a few refinements to the data before it is saved.

[most functions are the same as the Desktop App version]

The final function is a critical step: specifying how the data is to be saved. You can control the format for any date columns in your data — click See Codes for a help document about code options available.

You must also specify the file name, which is a combination of a base file name, plus an optional date/timestamp, and a file type (comma-separated/CSV or tab-separated/TSV). An example of the file name will appear below when you click out of the boxes.

Note that if you do not want to use the default ‘.csv’ or .tsv’ file extensions, you can enter the base file name with the extension you want e.g. ‘by country.txt’. The File Type selection will still control whether the data is comma-separated or tab-separated, but with will not override your entered extension.