Active table in memory?

What is this green worksheet with the message “ANALYTICS EDGE – active table in memory…“? When you are editing a query or stepping through an Analytics Edge macro, a green worksheet (ᴁ Step Results) will appear. This temporary worksheet shows you what it is currently in memory — the results of the last function step — before you formally write it out to a worksheet.

Why does it do this?

The Core Add-in uses a series of wizard-based functions to read and process your data. For example, you could download data in the first step, then filter it, then pivot it to get a trend, then sort it, and finally write the results to a specific location on your report worksheet.

When you are developing or editing a quick query or macro, you want to see the results of the query before you decide if you want to do some cleanup or play with the data in some way, so Analytics Edge creates a temporary worksheet and displays the data to you with a green background.

The green worksheet makes it distinctive and easily recognizable. The add-in will remove it when you write your result out to another worksheet. You don’t have to worry about cleaning up — the add-in will take care of everything for you when you Refresh.

Note that the green worksheet is just a sample of your data — it may not contain all of the rows or columns. This is done to keep things fast [and because Analytics Edge can actually process more data that Excel can handle]. To see all of the results, use Write to Worksheet to write it into to your workbook.